Primitive Data Types In JAVA With Examples

why should we use primitive data types in java?

  • In java, 8 types of primitive data and all datatype such his own advantage
  • primitive data type predefined in java so uses these primitive data types to increase your program execution speed and immediately get the output

java defines 8 primitive Data Types


  1. boolean
  2. char
  3. byte
  4. short
  5. int
  6. long
  7. float
  8. double

This all divide into the Four Different categories into his specific value

i) Integers

This part includes a group of the data type are a byte, short, int, long. this data type value should be in the only single number 
Example byte b = 2, short a = 10, int n = 20, long k = 300

ii) Floating-point number

This group includes in float and double. represent in the number of fractional precision. 
Example float f = 10.5f, double d = 20.55d

iii) Characters

This group include in the char datatype and this group in only character type value.
Example char c = 'm'

iv) Boolean

This group include in the boolean data type and its group type of value like true and false.
Example boolean b= true

now to understand individual part of primitive data types in java

1) boolean

  • This data type only two possible value 1) true & 2) false
  • This data type is used to return in all the Relational operators
  • it also uses the controls statement and checks the condition
  • it is signed 8-bit type (1-Byte)
  • Boolean data type range from -128 to 127
public class Booleandatatype {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  boolean b= false;
  System.out.println("value of b : "+b);
  //change the variable of b value 
  b = true ;
  System.out.println("After change the vlaue of b : "+b);
  if(b) {
   System.out.println("This value should be executed");
  // change the b value 
  b = false;
  if(b) {
   // variable value false so not enter in the loop
   System.out.println("This value should be not executed");
  // use the relation operator
  System.out.println("5 grater then 2 "+(5 > 2));
  System.out.println("10 lessthan 6 "+(10 < 6 ));

value of b : false
After change the vlaue of b : true
This value should be executed
5 grater then 2 true
10 lessthan 6 false

2) char

  • In java char in different compare in c/c++, java in char represented to the Unicode value
  • Unicode defines international charset and represents all char found all human language code
  • char short is signed 16-bit (2 bytes) type
  • char is not negative value is range from 0 to 65,536
  • when you use the char data type and write any int number so this data type converts the number value in the ASCII value
public class Chardatatype {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  char m= 88;
  char n= 'q';
  //print the X is ASCII value of 88
  System.out.println("value of m :- "+m);
  //print the variable n value
  System.out.println("value of n :- "n);
         //incriment the variable n value
  //increment the valure of the q and ans is r
  System.out.println("after increment value of n :- "n);

value of m :- x
value of n :- q
after increment value of n :- r

3) byte

  • The smallest integer type of value is called a byte
  • it is signed 8-bit
  • its range in between in the -128 to -127
  • its use in the small type of value is stored in the variable
  • when you work with Binary data that time this data type use because the compilation process is decrees and performance, will be fast and other use in-stream of data from a network or file
public static void main(String[] args) {
  byte b= 10;
  byte h= 100;
 System.out.println("value of b is "+b);
        System.out.println("vlaue of h is "+h);
        // change the value of h 
        //hear cast is most important
        h=(byte) (h+15);
        //this value is not byte type is int type value
        System.out.println("after the casting the value of h "+h);

value of b is 10
vlaue of h is 100
after the casting the value of h 115

4) short

  • short is signed in a 16-bit(2 bytes) data type
  • short data type range in –32,768 to 32,767
  • it's  least-used data type in java
  • it's large range capacity in compare byte data type
public class Shortdatatype {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  short s= 200;
  short s1= -200;

  //print the value of s
  System.out.println("value of s :- "+s);
  //print the value of s1
  System.out.println("value of s1 :- "+s1);

value of s :- 200
value of s1 :- -200

5) int

  • This data type is the most commonly used data types
  • it's is signed in a 32-bit(4 bytes) 
  • int data type range  from –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
  • it uses is more efficient in comparison to byte and short data type

public class Intdatatype {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  int a= 5;
  int b=500;

  //print the value of a
  System.out.println("value of a :- "+a);
  //print the value of b
  System.out.println("value of b :- "+b);


value of a :- 5
value of b :- 500

6) long

  • The large amount int type data that time long data type is required because of the range of is too large in comparison to int data type
  • it's signed in a 64-bit(8 bytes) type
  • its range is between  -263 to (263-1)
  • This data type used in a huge amount of calculations

public class longdatatype {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 int speedoflight= 18600;//range of light of speed
 long days=15;//15  days
 long seconds;
 long distance;
 //formula of count the second
 seconds = days * 24 * 60 * 60 ;
 //formula of the distance
 distance =speedoflight * seconds;
 System.out.println("This "+days+" days light travel "+distance+" distance of  miles");

This 15 days light travel 24105600000 distance of  miles

7) float

  • its 32-bit(4-byte) type
  • it's specified in the single-precision value
  • it's used in the some of the degrees, temperature type value declaration
  • it's also used in the java Bigdecimal and math class

public class Floatdatatype {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  //in the last of f is required 
  float f=24.4f;
  float m=-20.2f;
  System.out.println("value of f :- "+f);
  System.out.println("value of m :- "+m);

value of f :- 24.4
value of m :- -20.2

8) Double 

  • it's used in 64-bit(8-Byte)
  • it's specified in the Double-precision value
  • Double-precision value is faster then single=precision value in a modern processor is optimize the for mathematical calculation
  • its use in the mathematical calculation like that sin(), cos(), ten(), sec(), sqrt() etc

public class Doubledatatype {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  double pi=3.1416;
  //radius of circle 
  double r =25.4;
  // find the area of the circle
  double area;
  // find the area 
  area = r * r * pi;
  System.out.println("The area of the circle is :- "+area);


The area of the circle is :- 2026.8346559999998

So It's All About Primitive Data Types In JAVA With Examples

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