Different Type Of Operators In Java

What is the operator?

  • The operator is one type of Character and this character performs the action.
  • Basically, the four types of character are common like arithmetic, bitwise, relational, and logical
  • java is provided some additional operators

Different type of operators in java

  1. Arithmetic Operator
  2. Assignment Operator
  3. Relational Operator 
  4. Bitwise operator
  5. Logical Operator
  6. Shift operator
  7. Ternary Operator
  8. Short circuit operator
  9. instance of Operator
  10. Concatenation Operator
  11. Modulus Operator 
  12. Increment Decrement Operators
  13. New operator
The above seven operators are a basic operator and the other is an additional operator in java

There is a different type of arithmetic operator in java

No Operator USD Description
1      + A + B Addition
2     - A - B Subtraction
3     A * B Multiplication
4     / A/B Division
5     % A % B Modulus
6     ++ A++ Increment
7     – – B-- Decrement

some of the assignment operator in java

No Operator USD Description
1     = c = a + b Assigns value
2     += A=A+B(a+=B) Addition assignment
3     -= B=B-a(b-=a) Subtraction assignment
4     *= c=c*a(C*=A) Multiplication assignment
5     /= b=b/a(B/=a) Division assignment
6     %= B=B%a(B%=a) Modulus assignment
No Operator USD Description
1     == A == C Equal to
2     != A!=B Not equal to
3     > A>B Greater than
4     < c<A Less than
5     >=A>=B Greater than or equal to
6     <= A<=B Less than or equal to

4 ) Bitwise operator

No Operator USD Description
1     & A & C Binary AND
2     | A|B Binary or
3     ^ A^B Binary XOR
4     ~ C~A binary ones 

No Operator USD Description
1     &&  A && B Logical AND
2     || A||B Logical OR
3     ! A!=B Not

6 ) Shift operator

No Operator USD Description
1     <<  A<<B Left shift 
2     >> A>>B Right shift 
3     >>> A>>>B Shift right zero fill 

7 ) Ternary Operator

No Operator USD Description
1     ? :  a?a:b Ternary Operator

8 ) Short circuit operator

Boolean And & or is that short circuit operator

No Operator USD Description
1     &&  A && B Boolean AND
2     || A||B Boolean OR

9 ) instance of Operator

No Operator USD Description
1     instanceof  obj instanceof class compare object & class

10 ) Concatenation Operator

This operator most of the use in combination of two string

No Operator USD Description
1     +  'String' + 'string' concat operator

11 ) Modulus Operator 

it's already defined in the arithmetic operator

No Operator USD Description
1     %  A % B Modulus operator

12 ) Increment Decrement Operators

increment and decrement operator is already defined in the Arithmetic operator

No Operator USD Description
1     ++  A ++ increment 
2     --  A -- decrement 

13 ) New operator

No Operator USD Description
1     new   new classname new operator 

if u learn in deeply you can click on any number of operator and understand this operator.

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