Bitwise Operators In Java with Example Program

Various type of operator in java


There are four types of a bitwise operator in java

No Operator USD Description
1     & A & C Bitwise AND
2     | A|B Bitwise or
3     ^ A^B Bitwise XOR
4     ~ C~A Bitwise complement 

1) Bitwise AND

  • Bitwise And operator is a binary operator, The symbol used in the '&'
  • This operator internal process is first of normal value is converted in the binary and then a summation of both value and answer should generate binary value then convert the normal value and show the final answer
  • Binary both value in 1-bit then give  1-bit otherwise it gives 0-bit value
public class BitwiseAnd {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  int a =4; //binary value 100
  int b= 7; //binary value 111
  //sum of two binary value 
  int c = a & b;
                //    1 0 0 (4)
                // &  1 1 1 (7)
                // -----------
                //    1 0 0 (4)
  //answer of the binary value 
  System.out.println("Bitwise And operator value :- "+c);
Bitwise And operator value :- 4

2) Bitwise OR

  • Bitwise OR operator is also binary operator, the symbol is  ' | '
  • Bitwise OR operator Internal process is the same as the Bitwise AND operator 
  • Binary both value is 0-bit then 0-bit otherwise the value is 1-bit  
public class BitwiseOR {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  int a =7; //binary value 111
  int b= 3; //binary value 011
  int c= a | b ;
  //   1 1 1 (7)
   // | 0 1 1 (3)
  //   1 1 1 (7)
  //final ans of bitwiseor operation
  System.out.println("Bitwise OR operator value :- "+c);

Bitwise OR operator value :- 7

3)Bitwise XOR

  • Bitwise XOR also binary operator , The symbol is ' ^ '
  • Bitwise XOR operator  internal process is the same as the Bitwise AND operator
  • Binary both value(1-bit and 0-bit) is opposite that give 1-bit otherwise give the 0-bit value
public class BitwiseXOR {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  int a = 2;  //binary value 010
  int b = 7;  // binary value 111
  int c= a ^ b ;
  //    o 1 0 (2)
  //  ^ 1 1 1 (7)
  //    1 0 1 (5)
  System.out.println("Bitwise XOR operator value :- "+c);

Bitwise XOR operator value :- 5

4) Bitwise Complement

  • Bitwise Complement operator is also binary operator, the symbol is  ' ~ ' 
  • Bitwise complement operator is internal process is same as Bitwise AND operator
  • Binary value is performed in the opposite way if the value is 1-bit then convert in 0-bit and 0-bit value is converted in the 1-bit
public class BitwiseComplement {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  int a = 2; //binary value 010
  // ~ 0 1 0 
  //   1 0 1 
  // second compliment of 1 0 1 
  // final answer print 
  System.out.println("Bitwise complement operator value :- "+ ~a);

Bitwise complement operator value :- -3

So it's all about in Bitwise Operators In Java with Example Program

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